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Virginia Sheriffs’ Association
The Voice of Virginia’s Sheriffs & Deputies

This year we held the second of our Halloween trunk or treat events. We were expecting and preparing for an even bigger crowd than we had for our premier event last year. We even made preliminary provisions for the possibility of inclement weather. As it turned out, that proved to be a good idea.

We’d contacted the director of our new Chatham Community Center, and asked for the use of their beautiful spacious facility in the event of rain and she graciously made the entire building available for us. The day started out rainy but was initially suppose to end well before time to open our gates for the festivities. When within a couple hours of start time it became obvious that this wasn’t going to happen we started moving it all to the Community Center.

Our plan had been to grill hotdogs on a coffin shaped grill and serve them with chips and beverages. Even though we didn’t get the opportunity to show off the grill, the Community Center’s fully equipped commercial kitchen was put to good use. We didn’t get to decorate our cars but everybody jumped in setting up and decorating tables in the Center’s huge gymnasium. The central room of the Center with the ping pong and various other game tables also provided activities for the children.

The rain didn’t dampen the spirits, or even the princesses, vampires, storm troopers and superheroes. They turned out in droves. Even though we were concerned that the last minute move would keep some away, it actually may have worked out better in the long run because parents who may not have brought the children out in the wet air during this flu season no longer had to worry about the weather. The lines looked like they were never-ending for a while but by our 8:30 ending time they had full tummies, treat bags and left with big smiles.