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Virginia Sheriffs’ Association
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Hunting Education Class Teaches Safety Tips and Skills
August 24, 2014
WCAV News 19 Charlottesville

Ike Wright videoDozens of people are now prepared for the hunting season thanks to a class focused on safety and education.

In order to get their hunting license, people have to first learn the basics.

Instructors with the outdoor education weekend helped over 20 people learn technique and skills needed to hunt.

On Saturday they took a written test, but Sunday morning they put those new skills to use.

Ike wright and his son have been teaching the class for the past 15 years and say that it’s important for people to get the fundamentals and to remember that safety is at the top of the list.

“Safety is everyone’s responsibility so take that back to your community, your home, people you’re around, that safety is our number one priority,” says Wright, outdoor hunting education instructor and Deputy Sheriff for Albemarle Co.

“When you harvest the animal, you need to use every bit of it that you can use,” says Ike Wright Jr., instructor with the Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries. “That’s what we are trying to teach these kids today, that it’s a very beneficial part of your life.”

Instructors cooked venison for the class on Sunday to show different ways to use the game that they catch.

They offer the class twice a year.