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Virginia Sheriffs’ Association
The Voice of Virginia’s Sheriffs & Deputies
Wise County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Jake Elkins with Commonwealth Attorney Chuck Slemp.
Wise County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Jake Elkins with Commonwealth Attorney Chuck Slemp.

For the past 18 years Wise County Sheriff’s Office has coordinated the ‘Border To Border’ event with Virginia and Kentucky law enforcement agencies conducting dual checkpoints on Route 23 at the VA/KY line.  The checkpoint was conducted on Thursday, September 1 from 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.  Law enforcement agencies worked together over the Labor Day holiday as a part of the regional ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ event.

More than 42 law enforcement officers from 16 different agencies participated in the event checking vehicles passing through the checkpoint. DMV officers also checked commercial motor vehicles for weight, illegal dyed fuel and overheated breaks.

The goal of this annual event is to stop drunk drivers and encourage holiday travelers to buckle up over the Labor Day weekend.

Wise County Commonwealth Attorney Chuck Slemp addressed the officers at a breakfast at Raven Rock Golf Course hosted by Sheriff Ronnie Oakes and the Wise County Sheriff’s Office. Slemp said, “It’s good to see multiple law enforcement agencies in multiple states working together to protect our community. Today’s effort is an example of our team working together to make a difference. I was honored to be a part of it.”

The checkpoint yielded the four DUI arrests and a total of 66 summonses issued.

Along with the Border To Border Checkpoint, Local law enforcement throughout Wise County and the City of Norton also conducted Operation 58 checkpoint from 2:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. on Route 58 just East of Coeburn.  Additional checkpoints were planned throughout the weekend.

Sheriff Ronnie Oakes said of the effort, “Our goal is to encourage everyone to drive careful and buckle up every time you ride in a vehicle because we want travelers to have a safe Holiday weekend.”