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Virginia Sheriffs’ Association
The Voice of Virginia’s Sheriffs & Deputies

The Virginia D.A.R.E. Training Center announces the 2018 Summer D.A.R.E. Officer Training (DOT):
The VDTC will be holding its Summer DARE Officer Training June 17 – June 29, 2018. The training will be held at Roanoke College in Salem, VA. Lodging will also be on-site at Roanoke College.
Lodging and other details, including expenses related to the DOT, will be forwarded to applicants once officers are approved to attend.

This DOT will have a maximum limit of 24 officers. Many agencies across the Commonwealth have already requested slots. If you have a need for officer training or updating in the D.A.R.E. “Keepin It Real” or new high school enhancement lessons please visit and click on “training center” or email the VDTC at [email protected].

More information on D.A.R.E. “Keepin It Real” can be found at