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Virginia Sheriffs’ Association
The Voice of Virginia’s Sheriffs & Deputies

The Louisa County Sheriff’s Office in partnership with the Town of Louisa Police Department and the Virginia State Police will host our second Peace Officers Memorial Ceremony. The ceremony will pay tribute to all law enforcement, conservation and correction officers who have lost their lives serving and protecting their communities, and those officers that continue to serve.  Every day, these brave men and women contribute their services – services that present both risk and sacrifice. We are grateful for their continued service and we thank them for all that they do to keep our communities and families safe.

The ceremony will take place on Tuesday, May 15th at 7:30 p.m. in the Alan Jackson Theater at the Louisa County High School located at 757 Davis Highway, Louisa Virginia.

Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from Virginia Delegate John McGuire and guest speaker Colonel Gary Settle, Superintendent of the Virginia State Police.

Join us in honoring those who were lost in Virginia in 2017, VSP Trooper Pilot Berke M.M. Bates, Carroll County SO Deputy Curtis Allen Bartlett, VSP Pilot Lieutenant H. Jay Cullen, III, VSP Special Agent Michael T. Walter, and those who were lost in other localities, like York County, SC Detective Mike Doty. They deserve everything we can do to honor their commitment and ultimate sacrifice to keep their communities safe. We hope to see the theater filled, as a special tribute to these heroes.

We are inviting all law enforcement agencies located within Central Virginia to display a vehicle in a designated area, near the entrance, and provide an representative from your agency to attend.  Agencies wishing to display vehicles are asked to arrive between 1700 – 1730 hours.