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Virginia Sheriffs’ Association
The Voice of Virginia’s Sheriffs & Deputies

A sergeant with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office was hospitalized Tuesday after coming in contact with a fentanyl-laced paper flyer.

HOUSTON — A sergeant with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office was hospitalized Tuesday after coming in contact with a fentanyl-laced paper flyer, authorities said.

The flyer was one of several placed on nearly a dozen sheriff’s office vehicles at HCSO’s recruitment and criminal investigations center at 601 Lockwood Drive in east Houston, according to Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez.

At least one of the flyers tested positive for fentanyl, a sometimes-deadly opioid. Other flyers, as well as the sergeant herself, are being tested for fentanyl, as well.

So far, authorities have tested one of the 15 to 20 flyers, said Jason Spencer, a spokesman for the Harris County Sheriff’s Office. The remaining flyers were sent to Harris County Institute of Forensic Science for analysis, he said.