The staff of Newport News Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court said thank you to the Newport News Sheriff’s Office deputies who protect and serve in the courtrooms each day.
To have the gathering on the anniversary of 9/11 was particularly meaningful.
“We want to recognize the hard work they do, their dedication and commitment to serving the people who come to JDR Court and for protecting our judges and personnel each day,” said Patsy Ewell, clerk of JDR court.
The day started out with breakfast before the start of court. The lunch break included the handing out of gift baskets, grab bags and other items for those serving JDR now and in the recent past.The deputies covered each other at various duty stations when necessary so everyone got to join in.
The gifts were positioned on a table beneath a display with pictures of some NNSO deputies and messages from JDR staff.Each deputy had to write a note or sign the poster.
The day wrapped up with cake and ice cream.
The deputies said it was a nice surprise and they were happy to be able to spend a little time outside the courtroom with the JDR staff.
The NNSO is grateful for this great working relationship.