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Virginia Sheriffs’ Association
The Voice of Virginia’s Sheriffs & Deputies

The Newport News Sheriff’s Office (NNSO) held its 10th annual Escorted Motorcycle Ride fundraiser on Sunday, drawing more than 90 motorcycles to raise funds for Project Lifesaver, a life-saving program that assists in locating vulnerable residents who may wander due to cognitive conditions such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, Down syndrome, and autism. The event brought together riders and supporters with a shared commitment to keeping at-risk community members safe. 

NNSO Sheriff Gabe Morgan emphasized the importance of the program’s accessibility, noting, “Families are dealing with a lot, so I think it’s important to offer Project Lifesaver free of charge. They don’t have to worry about how they would pay for it. Most importantly, they have peace of mind knowing their loved one has this protection.” 

This year’s ride raised more than $6,000, securing free enrollment for approximately 80 community members, including both children and adults with cognitive impairments, and those who may need to come onto the program in the future. Project Lifesaver operates through the generosity of donations and community events like the Escorted Motorcycle Ride and the NNSO’s annual Car and Bike Show in September. These fundraisers, along with year-round support from local organizations, businesses, and residents, enable the program to continue serving Newport News families.