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Virginia Sheriffs’ Association
The Voice of Virginia’s Sheriffs & Deputies

Richmond, Va-Sheriff C.T. Woody, Jr. announced today that the Richmond City Sheriff’s Office (RCSO) and Richmond Fire/EMS (RFD) have joined forces to form a mutually beneficial relationship for both agencies as well as the Richmond community at large.

The RFD is providing the RCSO with much needed medical equipment for emergency response in the City Jail and all local courthouses, along with training to Sheriff’s staff on care and use of the equipment.  In return, the RCSO will provide training to RFD personnel on how to manage and de-escalate high emotions during emergency response patient interactions.  This partnership will also greatly enhance future joint grant application opportunities to fund additional equipment, training, and readiness initiatives.

Fire Chief Robert Creecy and EMS Staff Battalion Chief Tracy Thomas personally delivered the first medical items to the Richmond City Jail yesterday.

“The equipment donated will allow Sheriff’s Office staff the opportunity to become their own first responders. This donation is part of our regional cooperation, and a win for all of us”, said Chief Creecy.

This partnership has several key components that will prove to be a mutually beneficial relationship for both agencies and the Richmond community at large.

The RFD has agreed to provide the RCSO with some of the medical equipment needs for use in the jail and courts as well as for use in accordance with Richmond City’s emergency response plan.  With RFD as a medical equipment resource for RCSO, grant collaborations for larger ticket items in-line with the State’s emergency plan are the priority.  Equipment to be received:

  • Medical bags
  • AED’s
  • Suction Units
  • Transport backboards
  • Stair chairs
  • And more…

As a part of the sustainability plan, Chief Creecy has agreed to add the RCSO to the RFD supplied medical equipment maintenance agreement.  This will ensure compliance with regulations and once again cut costs for the RCSO.

“This collaboration is a continuation of our long established partnership between our agencies. This equipment will allow us to provide critical lifesaving measures when time is of the essence”, said Sheriff Woody.