Sheriff Gabe Morgan has promoted five deputy sheriffs, effective March 1, following last month’s Promotion Assessment Board.
There are two new lieutenants – Angel Ireland and R. L. Jones.

Lt. Ireland is currently handling accreditation in the Professional Standards bureau; Lt. Jones left her position in Civil Enforcement to supervise deputies on “D” rotation in the jail.
The three new sergeants are C. J. Toliver, who has moved to Booking from Operations, Sgt. C.D. Smith, who remains in Operations and Sgt. F. Vito, already working under the Professional Standards bureau.
The moves come following the six-day assessment by police and sheriff’s office personnel from across Virginia and Maryland. They graded all the candidates vying for promotion in six areas: written and oral communications skills, problem identification and analysis, judgment, decision making, planning and organization skills and interpersonal skills.

The team helped create the list that was given to Sheriff Morgan for his review as he personally assessed the candidates.
The promotions meant turning in old uniforms, getting new badges and in some cases, moving on to new assignments. Congratulations!