Sheriffs in the Virginia Sheriffs’ Association (VSA) region X met on August 1 at the Virginia Beach Sheriff’s office to discuss issues for the 2019 General Assembly session. Among priorities to be presented to the VSA Legislative committee for consideration are pay raises for deputies and support staff, legislation that would require 15% local supplement in addition to state funding as many duties performed by sheriffs’ offices are local services, legislation requiring enhanced retirement for deputies in all localities. Currently many rural areas and some cities do not provide the 1.85% multiplier for deputy sheriffs allowed by state law and legislation providing 50% funding for mental health facilities. Sheriffs attending the meeting included Sheriff Todd Godwin, Accomack; Sheriff David Doughty, Northampton; Sheriff BJ Roberts, Hampton; Sheriff E. C. Harris, Suffolk; Sheriff Danny Diggs, York; Sheriff Joe Baron, Norfolk; Sheriff Jim O’Sullivan, Chesapeake; Sheriff Gabe Morgan, Newport News (by phone); Sheriff Ken Stolle, Virginia Beach and John W. Jones, Executive Director, Virginia Sheriffs’ Association. The group elected to recommend that Sheriff Ken Stolle would continue to represent the sheriffs in Region X on the VSA Board of Directors.