On Wednesday, October 3, 2018, the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office received grant funding from the Department of Justice to help bolster school security, provide training to students and faculty and support first responders who arrive on the scene of a school violence incident.
In light of events throughout the nation, the subject of safety in our schools continues to be a number one priority for law enforcement. For over 25 years, the Hanover Sheriff’s Office has worked hard to stay ahead of the nation’s trends in responding to the needs of our school community. After decades of budget initiatives, strategic patrol strategies and working closely with the school system, theSheriff’s Office continues to work toward a consistent law enforcement presence at our schools.
In addition, in 2014, the Sheriff’s Office, working with school administration deployed a state of the art tactical alert system in all schools in Hanover County. These systems were placed in multiple strategic locations to help ensure quick access during a life-threatening emergency. They are tested on a regular basis with law enforcement and school staff to guarantee a seamless response. The alert systems were fully paid for with Sheriff’s Office asset forfeiture funds.
The grant funds received from the Department of Justice will support upgrades to the existing alert system to ensure it has the most up-to-date technology. These systems are not meant to be a substitute for the visible presence of deputies at our schools each day, but rather another tool to help ensure the safety of students and faculty.
“We are proud of the existing security measures we provide to our school system. However, as a progressive agency we are constantly looking for ways to improve. This grant is greatly appreciated and will be put towards improving and updating our tactical alert system. The Sheriff’s Office continues to be highly visible at our schools throughout the day and we pride ourselves on the strong partnerships we enjoy with the students, faculty and staff. The safety and security of our schools continues to be one of my highest priorities,” said Colonel David R. Hines, sheriff.
Read the official press release HERE from the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office. The HCSO Facebook page also reports on these sschool afety grants.