Certain email accounts from DCJS have been used in spoofing attempts aimed at law enforcement agencies. Spoofing, in general, is a fraudulent or malicious practice in which communication is sent from an unknown source disguised as a source known to the receiver.
Spoofed emails appear to be from a known sender, such as DCJS or another law enforcement agency. In this case, the emails are indicating that an agency may owe DCJS money and an invoice is attached. The language of the email may also include requests for wire transfers. Each email appears legitimate and each contains instructions to open an attachment or otherwise provide information.
The attacker (or spoofer) knows that if the recipient receives a spoofed email that appears to be from a known source, it is likely to be opened and acted upon. So a spoofed email may also contain additional threats like Trojans or other viruses. These programs can cause significant computer damage by triggering unexpected activities, remote access, deletion of files and more.
Please know that DCJS does not send any type of invoice in this fashion. If you receive this type of email and have questions, please do not hesitate to contact DCJS before opening any attachments.