Washington, DC, October 12, 2023 – The National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) today denounced in the strongest of terms the inhumane, criminal and unprovoked attack against the people and institutions of Israel by the terror group Hamas. Also, NSA is calling for a day of vigilance and honor on Friday October 13, 2023.
Casualty reports from Israel demonstrate once again the men and women of law enforcement bore the brunt of the initial attacks from the Hamas attacks in southern-Israel. The police officers carried an imaginable burden responding to an overwhelming force of heavily armed terrorists sworn to kill, torture and kidnap innocent civilians – including children.
“Cowardly terror groups are calling on support of the Hamas by using Friday October 13 as a day of rage and uprising, it is nothing more than overt threat to encourage and foment hatred,” explained Sheriff Greg Champagne, president of the National Sheriffs’ Association.”
“Once again, we saw the evil face of terror and its reviled intentions. Every Sheriff and the NSA rejects this in no uncertain terms. Instead, we encourage law enforcement of the United States to use tomorrow as a day to stand with law enforcement and against terror of all kinds. Tomorrow, October 13, 2023, should be a day of vigilance, and a nationwide day of honor for those sworn to uphold the law. For those that have a ‘thin-blue-line’ patch, sticker, or insignia we encourage you to wear it tomorrow in honor of those who died protecting Israel and their communities.”
NSA joins in the universal call for civilized nations to stand in honor with these brave officers. It calls upon its members to collaborate with their peers in law enforcement and join together in prayer and promote civil actions of support for the families of the fallen officers of the Israel Police.
The NSA honors and recognizes the bravery and heroism of those members of law enforcement, and the innocent civilians who died in the Hamas attacks against Israel.